Thursday, April 21, 2011

Comer Ancestor Photos

The following photos are members of the Comer family. Most photos were taken in the early 1900's. And again, you will notice my blue finger nails as the mark of authenticity :)

This is a picture of the whole Comer family in the mountains of Kentucky. 

This Man's name was Daniel Smith who was my Great Great Great grandfather. He fought in the Civil War.

Below is a picture of my Dutch Great Great Great Grandfather and Grandmother

 These girls were the daughters of Daniel Blocher. Their names were Louisiana, America, Alabama, Carolina. Daniel Blocher was my 4th Great Grandfather, who was state legislature. There is now a town called Blocher, Indiana named after him.

Below, the top left photo is of Scottsburg, Indiana-The biggest log ever to be transported

 The photos below were of 3rd Great aunts. Also showing the beginning styles of the flapper

 The images below are marriage and death licenses. These are very useful sources for researching genealogy, along with the Census and church records

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